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Newest Fish Arrivals 07/19/16

Below is a full listing of all of our latest arrivals. Fish are looking good, and are ready for purchase!

* Placidochromis phenochilus sapphire star 3.5-4", 3M/1F left

* Dragonblood peacock 4"+ gorgeous males

* Albino Dragonblood peacock 4", 3m/3f - Amazing color!

* Thorichthys red aureum 2"+ NICE

* Gymnogeophagus labiatus Rio Olimar 2"+

* Cryptoheros panamensis 2.25"

* Pundamilia nyererei Makobe Island 1.5-2.25" breeding

* Cynotilapia afra Mara yellow 2"

* Xenotilapia bathyspyllus Yellow Fin F1 RARE 1.25"+

* Synodontis petricola 2"

* Pseudotropheus elongatus Chewere 2-2.5" Males coloring nicely

* Protomelas insignis 2.5-3"

* Haplochromis red fin obliquidens 2-2.5" breeding

* Labidochromis perlmutt 1-1.25" nice color already

* Mylochromis anaphyrmus 1-1.25" RARE

* Mylochromis laterstriga Mchuse 3"+

* Copadichromis mloto ivory head 4-6" 3m/3f - males are absolute STUNNERS

* Otopharynx heterodon 3-3.5"

* Pseudotropheus socolofi 3-3.5"

* Tropheus kiriza 2.5"

* Herichthys pearsei 5-6" Pair

* Parachromis motaguensis red 1-1.25"

* Veija heterospilus 1.5-2"

* Neochromis omnicaeruleus Tricolor Fulu 1.5"+

* Chocolate ancistrus 4"+ 3M/2F, breeding

* Super Red ancistrus 3-4.5" 3M/3F

* Long fin calico ancistrus 2.25"

* Lemon drop ancistrus 2.5"

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