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Newest Fish Arrivals 5/27/16

* Black Neon Tetra

* Texas Cichlids

* Male cobra guppies

* Candy Cane tetra

* Koi sword tails

* Oscars 3"+

* Geophagus brasiliensis

* Punadmilia blue bar

* Gold Dojo Loach

* Frontosa Kavala yellow fin

* Otopharynx lithobates Zrock

* Protomelas insignis - nice color already!

* Buccochromis nototaenia

* Callochromis melanostigma

* Altolamprologus comp Orange

* Parachromis Dovii wolf cichlid 8"

* Apistogramma cacautoides double red

* Electric Blue rams

* Apistogramma agassizi flame red

* Synodontis petricola 2"+

* Goyder river Rainbowfish

* Green Terror 7"

* Cryptoheros cutteri 5-6"

* Ropefish 12"

* African Butterfly Fish

* Black Ghost Knife

* Elephant Nose (Gnathonemus petersii) 6"

* Epiplatys infra fasciatus baroi red "6 barred Killifish"

* Pungu Maclareni

* Anomalochromis thomasi

* Orange Spotted Eel (aethiomastacembelus liberiensis) 11"

* Silver Arowana 6"

* Hypostomus mutucae LDA 09 3.5"

* Hypancistrus furunculus L199 - 4"

* Spotted rubber lip pleco

* Pseudolithoxus dumus L244 3.25"

* Gold Nugget pleco L177 3.5"

* Cichlasoma ornatus

* Platinum acara BIG

* Gold Dust Bichir (Polypterus palmas buettikoferi) 4.5"

* Long fin tetra (Brycinus longipinnis)

* Apistogramma macmasteri

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