2/14/19 New arrivals

Another new round of recent arrivals brings in some VERY nice plecos, lots in good sizes! Also a lot of F1 Malawi and Tanganyikan fish. See the full list below!
Jaguar catfish - Liosomadoras oncinus
Synodontis schoutedeni
Anomalochromis thomasi"African Butterfly Cichlid
Apistogramma regani
Aplochelichthys normani---Blue eyed Killie
Bosemani Rainbowfish
Cardinal tetra
Congo Tetra
Corydoras melanotaenia
German Blue Ram
Gold Mystery Snail (Quarter Size)
Goyder river rainbow
Hi fin molly
Millennium Red Rainbow
Rhamphochromis macrophthalmus F1 "Malawi Barracuda"
Buccochromis heterotaenia F1
Buccochromis Spectabilis F1
Champsochromis spylorynchus f1
Cynotilapia afra lions cove F1
Fossorochromis rostratus f1
Labeotropheus trewavasse Marmalade
Labidochromis perlmutt
Metriaclima manda dolphin F1
Pseudotropheus Saulosi f1
Pseudotropheus Williamsi blue lip northern f1
Sunshine Peacock
Vampire Shrimp
Polypterus palmas buettikoferi "Gold Dust"
Polypterus palmas polli
PLECOS Albino long fin ancistrus
Gold Nugget L18
Green Phantom L200a
Para pleco L075
Hopliancistrus sp. L17
Three Beacon L91
Gold Stripe panaque L169
Wormline Pleco L121
Gold Spotted orange seam L67
Biodotoma waverini
Cichla piquiti Azul peacock bass
Satanoperca daemon
Red Fin Mbita Comp F1
Frontosa burundi
Kipili zebra calvus
Neolamprologus tretacephalus
Opthalmotilapia gold tiger nasuta f1
Opthalmotilapia mpimbwe boops silver streak f1
Opthalmotilapia ventralis chittuta f1