New Arrivals 10/21/16
We've been very busy here lately, and our list of new arrivals is a few weeks behind. That being said, we have quite a wide selection of new fish on the list below! The crown tail bettas that we have are very nice!
* Black orchid crown tail betta
* Blue mustard gas crown tail betta
* Copadichromis trewavase Mloto 2-2.5"
* Copadichromis trewavase Mloto Msisi Fire line 2-3"+
* Corydoras sterbai 1.5"+
* Pundamilia Crimson Tide 2.5"
* Dovii 2"
* Geophagus Brasiliensis 4"
* Green Chromide 2"
* Green Terror 3"
* Hippo Point Salmon 2.5-3"
* Jack Dempsey Pink 3.5"+
* Lamprologus brevis .5-.75"
* Lethrinops Intermedius 2"+
* Metriaclima Msobo 2.25-2.5"
* Metriaclima shauri 2.5"
* Opaline gourami 3"
* Otopharynx Heterodon 2.25-2.5"
* Peacock gudgeon 1"+
* Placidochromis Phenochilus Sapphire star 1.25-2.25"
* Placidochromis electra blue Hongi 2.25-3"
* Placidochromis Jalo reef 2.25-2.75"
* Protomelas Red Empress 6'' Male
* Pseudotropheus perspicax Red top Ndumbi 1-1.25"
* Psuedotropheus williamsi blue lips 1.75-2"
* Rainbow cichlid 2"
* Red Exasperatus 1.75-2"
* Rhino pleco 1.5"
* Ruby Green hap 2.5-2.75"
* Ruby Red peacock 2-2.5"
* Salvini 2.25-3"
* Synodontis Angelicus x Eupterus 2.5"
* Synodontis multipunctatus 1.5"
* Texas cichlid 5"