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New Arrivals 10/26/17

We have very many new fancy plecos to choose from, as well as some very nice new saltwater fish to choose from. A good amount of rare small to mid sized Africans, and some community fish we do not get very often (check the red eye and red cap moon tetras!).

African Cichlids

Albino benga sunshine

Albino dragon blood

Albino Moori

Aulonocara Ethylwynnae

Blue dolphin

Cynotilapia Hara Gallireya Reef

Dragon blood peacock

Eureka Red Peacock Male

Exochromis Anagenys

Fossorochromis rostratus

Lethrinops mbasi

Lipochromis matumbi hunter

Metriaclima Chilumba "Luwino reef"

Metriaclima lime

Metriaclima Zebra Chilumba "Masoni Reef"

Otopharynx decorus Nkete

Placidochromis electra blue lundo island

Pseudotropheus johanni gome

Red Sunshine peacock

Steatocrannus sp. Red eye buffalo head


African Red-eye Tetra - Arnoldichtys spilopterus

Corydoras davidsandi

Corydoras sodalis


Green neon tetra

KAMAKA Rainbow

Orange Zebra Oto - Hypoptopoma sp. Peru Orange

Otocinclus dwarf

Panda Angelfish reg

Pelvicachromis sacrimontis

Pelvicachromis taeniatus"Makoure"

Red capped Moon Tetra - Bathyaethiops breusheghemi

Red head rummynose Hemigrammus bleheri


Vampire Shrimp

Microctenopoma ansorgii


Albino blue eye bushy nose

Ancistrus dolichopterus L183 STARLIGHT PLECO

Blue Phantom Pleco L128

Butterfly pleco Zonacinstrus sp. L52

Flash Pleco Panaquolus sp. L204

Goldie pleco Scobiancistrus aureatus L14

Leopard Frog Pleco Peckolita compta L134

Peckolita brevis LDA078

Peppermint pleco Oligancistrus sp. L30

Pseudacanthicus sp."Red Titanic" L273

Pseudacanthicus spinosus L160

Rhino pleco

Stardust Gold Nugget Baryancistrus sp. L081


Clown Trigger

Ocellaris clown tank raised

Peppermint Hogfish

Starry blenny

Yellow Angel (false Lemon peel)

Yellow tang

South/Central American Cichlids

Acarichthys heckellii

Chocolate Cichlid


Tiger Oscar

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