New Arrivals 1/5/18
Our most recent order brought in some nice Synodontis catfish that we usually never have available. There are also some nice F1 and wild caught peacocks that we very rarely will have in stock. The 6 bar Distichodus, and the Gold Dust Bichir are also VERY nice looking fish!
Albino gold Maleri peacock
Altolamprologus compressiceps goldhead
Altolamprologus compressiceps red fin Mbita
Aulonocara blue neon
Aulonocara chitende type Mozambique F-1
Aulonocara jacobfreibergi lemon jacob F-1
Aulonocara jacobfreibergi lemon Undu Pt. WILD CAUGHT pairs
Aulonocara red top Lwanda Hai Reef WILD males
Aulonocara sp. Nkhata yellow head peacock
Aulonocara swallowtail jacobfreibergi "carolinae"
Cherry red zebra
Copadichromis Mbenji
Cynotilapis afra green Mbweca
Exochromis anagenys
Iodotropheus sprengerae "Rusties"
Julidochromis regani Burundi
Labeo trewavasae red stripe
Labidochromis perlmutt
Labidotropheus pallidus yellow cap
Lethrinops intermedius
Melanochromis johanni orange
Melanochromis vermivorus
Paratilapia bleekeri Maralambo
Paratilapia polleni small spot Fony ~5"+
Placidochromis electra deep water hap
Protomelas annectens Manda
Pyxichromis orthostoma large mouth
Albino blue eye bushy nose
Chubby pleco
Red spotted Vampire Pleco L 007
Royal Pleco L190
Snowball Pleco L201
Star Dust Gold Nugget L081
Synodontis eburnensis
Synodontis eupterus/velifer
Synodontis schoutedeni
Tiger Panaque L002
Angelfish Diamond
Congo tetra
Corydoras agassizi
Corydoras cf. elegans
Corydoras hastatus
Flameback Bleeding heart tetra
Otocinclus cf. coccama Zebra Oto
Distochodus sexfasciatus
Polypterus palmas buettikoferi "Gold Dust Bichir"